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Webinar On Journey to Become LinkedIn Top Voice with Alex Zhu

Webinar with Alex Zhu was impressive as he shared all his valuable insights and expertise at HiCounselor platform for the people who are aspiring to lead a successful career with a lot of fantastic career tips.

Job Interview Alex Zhu Career Consultant

The webinar, Journey to becoming Linkedin’s Top Voice with Alex Zhu started with the warm welcome and introduction of the guest speaker and the agenda of the company, HiCounselor. The interviewer welcomed the guest speaker and then started with the schedule of the webinar. She then continued further on explaining the rules and information about the webinar. The interviewer even welcomed all attendees and gave an introduction about HiCounselor.

HiCounselor is an online platform where job seekers can locate the counsellors working in their dream company and get connected to them for personal coaching which helps in cracking interview and believing that they are the right fit for the job.

Then, the interviewer explained attendees to stay tuned till the end of the webinar for more information and sign on to HiCounselor platform for more upcoming webinars. Then she requested the guest speaker to tell about his experience and professional background.

Guest speaker, Alex Zhu took over the platform and introduced himself. He is currently senior at the University of California Berkeley and will be graduating this spring studying economics and is originally from Washington and decided to go to the Bay Area. He mentioned that it was an excellent opportunity for him to kind of step into a new environment as he stepped outside the comfort zone especially within the Bay Area where there are new advancements in tech as well as finance.

So, there are a plethora of opportunities for someone coming from say another state on the west coast. He has a great perspective of different industries around the world. He even explained how he focuses on quality writing on LinkedIn as it is a very influential platform.

Alex answered different questions like how to improve writing skills, key points to crack an interview, create a personal brand, about influencing people, career guidance and a lot more.


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