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Frequently Asked Questions
Have Questions ? We’re here to help
How long does it take for HiCounselor candidates to land a position and what does the job-searching process look like?
On average, it takes about 13 weeks to land a job through our Career Accelerator program. During this period of time, our candidates get direct referrals to
Fortune 500 and start-up professionals, more interviews than they would get on their own, and eventually sign a final offer with their
respective company. If this process looks longer for some, we are more than willing to continue to support them in their job search.
We offer weekly 1-on-1 meetings among other services, to help support them during this time. It’s also important to remember that
HiCounselor is free until candidates are hired and actively being paid. The maximum duration of our program is 12 months.
What if I find a job by myself during the Career Accelerator program?
Any job offer you receive and accept while using HiCounselor qualifies for repayment.
This is because HiCounselor not only offers job placement, but also career development services.
This includes skills, strategies, interview preparation, and more that would contribute toward
your job placement success elsewhere. HiCounselor is more than just a job placement agency.
We become partners with you in your job search by evaluating, training, and helping you prepare
for every job opportunity.
Can I personalize my HiCounselor experience to fit my needs?
Of course! The HiCounselor Career Accelerator program is completely personalized for your unique situation. We heavily modify the Career Accelerator program to
suit individual circumstances and never give you busywork. Instead, we invest time into helping you with whichever part of
the job seeking process you could use more support with.
What can I expect in terms of referrals through HiCounselor?
While we make an active effort to execute on every single requested referral from our candidates, we’ve found that
these referrals are typically only effective when the candidate takes advantage of the many interview tactics and skills
taught during our program’s training. If we don’t have a direct connection at a particular company, we will teach you strategies
and maneuvers to get a referral. We would not encourage you to participate in our Career Accelerator program if you plan to
be a passive candidate, who just joins and waits for referrals.
How much time should I dedicate during the Career Accelerator program?
HiCounselor’s Career Accelerator Accelerator Program is most effective for candidates willing to dedicate
5-10 hours per week to their job search based on our training assignments and strategy.
Will you help negotiate my pay?
Yes! We'll help you figure out if your offer is fair, if you could make more money, and if applicable, negotiate equity, stock options and other benefits as well.
What is an Income Based Repayment?
An Income Based Repayment is a contract between you and HiCounselor. This contract allows you to receive training and assistance from us without paying for our service upfront unless you are currently employed and making over $40,000 per year. By signing the Income Based Repayment Agreement, you’re agreeing to pay 9% - 14% of your monthly pre-tax base salary until you hit your payment cap.
What is the duration of the Income Based Repayment (IBR) contract?
The duration of the IBR between you and HiCounselor would be 12 months. We put significant time and investment into our candidates during the Career Accelerator program. If you land a job within 12 months, you are expected to pay 9% - 14% of your monthly pre-tax base salary until you hit your payment cap to HiCounselor. On the off chance that you don’t land a job during these 12 months of the IBR contract, you can withdraw from the Career Accelerator program at no cost.
What if I get laid off from my new position, quit, or otherwise run into unexpected financial hardship while making the payments to HiCounselor?
Assuming that this happens within 12 months after your start date with HiCounselor and are using one of our financing options, we would help you pause any payment you owe and help you find a new job! Once you are back up on your feet and financially secure, payments would resume where they left off. In the case of an IBR, the payments would be adjusted based on your new pre-tax base salary.
What happens if I get a job offer but I do not think I am a fit for the company?
We never pressure our candidates into accepting an offer that isn’t right for them. In fact, we encourage our
candidates to use initial offers as leverage to get even better offers. You are always free to make your final decision;
we never interfere in your decision making.
Still have questions ?
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for ? Please Contact Us
Take the leap to a rewarding job that pays you well and that you enjoy.
Success Stories
Habib Karbasian
Data Scientist at Neal Analytics
“I was ready to give up [on the job search point] and I was at my lowest point...fortunately,
HiCounselor was my last resort and they walked me through every step of the interview process.
The program was the light at the end of the tunnel [for me], and I landed a job within 1 month”
Wei Yuan
Business And Data Analyst
“Before joining HiCounselor I felt like I was spinning my wheels. Applying to jobs online with no
networking and no focus.Thanks to HiCounselor's training and networking, I learned how to network
and turn leads into offers!”
Software Engineer at Habu
“When it comes to HiCounselor, the biggest plus is that they will do the networking on your behalf,
which in my experience saved 95% of my time and energy. I was able to then channel my time and energy
into being prepared for interviews.”
To help us tailor your experience, please let us know
you're looking for :
Will you require visa sponsorship to work in US?
What Job Roles you are interested in?(Select one or
How would you define yourself?
How many years of Professional Experience do you have?
(Select one)
What is your location preference for the job
Looking for job opportunities or internships
LinkedIn OR Resume
Based on your provided information, we can help you with
the following:
Join HiCounselor Career Accelerator Program, where
we will help you with interview preparation and
connecting with you the right job opportunities
here to sign up for the Info Session today or you
can also fill out the application on the next step.
HiCounselor Projects Platform:
Complete Real World Projects to help you learn and get
ready for the job you want and Build professional
Based on your provided information, we can help you with
the following:
Actively hiring companies in
HiCounselor partners with companies hiring in ,
Select this option to get redirected to see the job
opportunities in
HiCounselor Projects Platform:
Complete Real World Projects to help you learn and get
ready for the job you want and Build professional
Based on your provided information, we can help you with
the following:
We recommend you to attempt real world projects on
HiCounselor Projects platform to get ready for
Once you have your portfolio built, visit this
page, where
we have listed startups whom you can reach out for