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Meet Alex Zhu | LinkedIn Top Voice

It is always a little difficult to move into a new environment for work. However, stepping out of the comfort zone assists you in enjoying an altogether different perspective about new job opportunities and how different industries look like.

Job Interview Alex Zhu Career Consultant

Tell Us About Your Journey To Become LinkedIn Top Voice

Being an influencer on Linkedin assists you in improving your writing skills, following your passion of writing, and it also gives a voice to people from different backgrounds. Moreover, by the end of the year, people after reading and discussing all the articles choose the LinkedIn top voice.


What changes have you seen after becoming LinkedIn Top Voice

When one becomes the LinkedIn Top Voice for him, a great opportunity opens up to become more interactive with professionals and others. His title takes the role of conversion starter among various professionals of different industry and also in the interviews. More people engage in conversation with the person to know the person’s experience and how that has affected him today.


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