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3 Tips For Business Operations Job Resume | Frequently Asked Interview Questions

The best job search strategy to adopt in order to get a Business Operations job is to start small and see if your resume resonates with the job requirement. Redefine and draft an impressive resume so as to make it stand out and get hired by the recruitment agency if needed. Technical and general based questions are often asked in Interviews for Business Operations roles. Use various resources to prepare yourself to handle the interview questions really well.

Others Greg Milosovic Senior Marketing Operation Manager

Best Job Search Strategy for Business Operations Manager Position

  • Start small and understand if your resume resonates to the role. It helps to attend and go through a few interviews and understand the requirements of this specific job market.
  • Prepare and refine your Business Operations Resume.
  • Do your interview prep and create your pitch to highlight your suitability for the job.
  •  Your resume may not be ideal for some of the jobs as you may not be adequately qualified. Learn to pitch to the hiring managers.
  • Get reactions to your resume and gauge it well.
  •  Refine your resume based on these reactions.
  •  Consider using the services of a recruitment agency who will pitch you and get interviews for you.


3 Tips for a Standout Business Operations Resume

There are many good resumes which do not stand out and catch the eye of the hiring managers. The important tips to draft an impact Business Operations Resume are:

  • Keep it thoughtfully organized and easy to read. Have a few pages only and remove the fluff. Do not give lengthy stories but keep the narration interesting and to the point.
  •  Keep to the facts and try to incorporate data to show how you were able to impact your Company. Highlight your projects undertaken and the action implemented to execute all the projects successfully.
  • Show that you understand data and can use data to aid your decisions and action. Technical and data skills carry a lot of impacts and can make or break your job prospects.


Interview Format of Business Operations Manager Position

There are many different formats adopted by various employers. However, broadly, these are the most common interview formats:

  • Personality test
    This is done to see if you are a good fit for the team and the company. If you do not match the company culture you will not be a good fit, even if you have the right skills.
  • Business acumen, logic and problem-solving skill
    This part of the interview depends on the technical requirements. Subject matter experts are brought in for this if needed if there is some technical aptitude needed for the role. This will be tested and if you have the right mindset to learn the company may even invest the time to teach you provided you check all the other boxes.


Frequently asked Interview Questions for Business Operations Manager Position

The frequently asked interview questions for Operations Manager jobs are:

  • Why do you want this role? If you were in sales or field marketing, It is only reasonable to know why you want to be in or transition to operations.
  • To describe your proudest moment from a business perspective. This is indicative of the kind of person you are. It reveals to the interviewer if you are a team player or a solo operator. Again, the work specifications will determine if this is good or bad.
  • Logic-based questions with a logic games portion. This shows problem-solving ability and is a very interesting part of the interview provided you have the right attitude.


3 Best Resources for Business Operations Manager Interview Preparation

  • Do your research on the company. Be prepared to talk about different levels of the company, the department and the specific role that you are interviewing for.
  • Employ resources like reading articles, books or even joining an agency which trains you on how to handle interviews. Google latest news about the company and be well prepared to discuss this.
  • Ask questions of the interviewer and try to draw information from him. It shows you as interested and thoughtful. It reveals how you might operate when you join the company. It shows that you are invested in the role you are seeking.



In the ever evolving and competitive job market, an aspiring Business Operations Manager would do well to work on his resume and brush up on his interview skills. The only way to survive the intense competition is to be a step ahead of your peers.


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