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What It’s Really Like Being a Women In Tech?

The entire video revolves around the women in tech. We come across an anonymous professional expert, who throughout this video discusses the position of women in tech as well as the problems faced by these women in the tech field. The video describes the challenges and troubles a woman faces in the tech world.

Others Iliana Quinonez Director Solutions Engineering

The expert in this video presents the technical world and what is it all about a woman in the tech field. The percentage of women can be seen fluctuating in different departments of the company. In mechanical company according to the lady, the percentage of women in the tech field is indeed higher ranging from 49% to 51%. In this corporate world, the number of women in tech always fluctuates.

  • Basic gender diversity

    Women in tech are under-represented in comparison to male counterparts. Not only this, but women in tech also are underpaid. They are quick in losing promotions and deal with sexism almost every single day. It comes as no surprise that these disappointed women in tech are likely to quit their jobs in comparison to the working males.
  • Treating gender diversity from elementary educational days

    The video intends to cut this problem, and the anonymous expert believes that we all need to work on this quite early. We need to deal with these problems from elementary schools, colleges, and higher institutions. For women in tech, it is essential to keep in mind that the tech industry is still a male-dominated space and it demands women to gather confidence and be thick-skinned.
  • Less in number

    Most women in tech don’t just experience different forms of discrimination or sexism. Instead, they go through an undercurrent of superiority that leads them towards an experience of isolation. A woman in the male-dominated environment is a challenge in itself. This challenge is what the video highlights in major about the women in tech. The video speaks of the valley of gender diversity which can have been troubling women in tech.

Meet Iliana Quinonez - Women in Tech

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