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Mistakes to avoid during job application process

In this video, the major mistakes of the job application forms are highlighted by Mike Wulford. Mike who is a professional job recruiter, makes the candidate come across the frequent unavoidable errors in the job application forms.

Interview Preparation Mike Wolford Senior Recruiter

When the hiring managers post jobs, they receive more job application forms when compared to the applications they care to go through. According to Mike, they deal with the mountains of paper possibly. In case of going through all, it is the presentation in these job application forms which helps them to filter the aspirants and their job application forms.

Hiring managers like a hawk eye for the mistakes in the job application which will help them t to weed out people who are unlikely to be successful in the job. Equally, they want to wrap up the hiring process as soon as possible, especially if the position they offer has been vacant for a while. So, the candidate should not his job application get discarded at the initial stage. Avoiding certain common job application mistakes will safeguard the candidate’s job application out of the garbage before the hiring manager gets serious about compiling a list of finalists.

Mike asserts that while filling up the job application, the candidate should follow instructions in the that has been mentioned job posting and on the job application form. If the candidate is failing to do so, their job application will get thrown away because it reveals to the hiring manager that the candidate lacks attention to detail.

The professionals and attorneys spend hours in revising these job application forms. Leaving fields blank makes the hiring manager conclude less information about the candidate in comparison to what he or she has about other candidates.

Job application mistakes like neglecting the application forms' directions, leaving the fields blank paints the candidate's lack of attention to the hiring managers. Tossing incomplete applications makes the hiring managers to cut down the number of job applications to be given consideration.

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