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Should Action Verbs be Used in the Resume?

This video has Elena Stefanopol who is providing the candidates with some useful resume writing tips. According to Elena, the resume of a candidate is just like a paper representation about him/her. So, for a strong resume building, the essentials and the elementary mistakes that usually are found in the resume are highlighted in this video.

Interview Preparation Elena Stefanopol Senior Recruiter

A Senior Technical Recruiter at Airbnb, Elena Stefanopol, in her video talks about some useful resume writing tips. At the same time, she brings to light the mistakes which have been generally found in resume writing.

The first and the foremost thing she talks in the video is about how significant is the presence of action words in the resume building. According to Elena, there are certain words which can be seen playing the role of a representative in the resume. These words are none other than the action words which must be present in the resume writing. According to Elena, it is these action words which are generally the verbs used to describe the aspirant's responsibilities and achievements. In a resume writing, each bullet point typically should begin with an action word. In a resume writing, it is essential to opt for the dominant language and pick those action words that can best describe what the candidate has done earlier and what makes him capable of in future.

Secondly, in this video, Elena thumbs down the use of excessive personal pronouns in resume writing. She tells that the use of "I" in a sentence makes the hiring manager question the candidate whether the task was completed solely by him/her. On the contrary, she suggests the use of personal pronouns in an effective manner like, "I have completed the task by collaborating with my team members". Such sentences in resume make the hiring manager realize the several qualities of the candidate like that of leadership and team spirit.

In making the resume building strong, there must be a proper balance between these action words and personal pronouns. These tips on resume writing establish a profound impact on the candidate on the hiring manager.

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