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Meet Jessica, Data Analyst At Cisco | Know About Role Of A Data Analyst | Typical Day At Work

Many times the Data Analysts face a question “What does a Data Analyst do?" in any industry. Data Analysts are one of the most important parts of any data-oriented tasks that are available in today's world. The fun in the Analyst jobs is when as a Data Analyst, you retrieve important information successfully for the teams to work on.

Data Science Jessica Xing Data Analyst

How To Manager MBA And Data Analyst Role At Same Time

It's not really hard because MBA courses have concentrations. The course is not only about ambient management courses, but also you can have a focus on business analytics. A lot of your courses will be data-driven- data scientist machine learning related. It will actually help you work.

Your work is going to help you to see what other problems you need to solve. That will actually help you back in your MBA study. If both can be balanced strategically, then it's not hard at all. Both the job and course are helping each other. It will actually make your life easier.


Role Of A Data Analyst

What does a Data Analyst do? 

The data analytics role depends on what kind of project a Data Analyst is doing.

  • Example 1:You have a project where you have to analyse the webpage traffic. For that project, you have to look back to the website cookie first. Study the data collected by the cookie. You can see what kind of people are logging into your website, what kind of people are more likely to be a return customer versus just to visit us one time and then leave.
  •            Is the webpage visited by more men or more women to join with the website? You as Data Analyst get to know what region have more people, who are interested in the site. It is your task as Data Analyst to analysis all such data, clean the data, make some insight out of it and then present to make it like a very readable and clear visualisation and put it on a dashboard or report. It will enable the people who are making decisions, to take great choices based on the information you provide.
  • Example 2: You may have to work on a project where your team is supporting the sales team. What your team would do is support the sales team who needs to provide the pricing quote for a customer on a very fast basis. A Data Analyst will help them determine what should be the right quote for a certain kind of customer.
  •           How can you generalise a little bit with the quote because the project will be on a very fast basis later on? It is important to generalize the information to see a pattern what kind of customer will have this particular range of pricing quote. It makes the people work a bit faster than before and knowing the patterns also help people to make a less manual error than they used to do before.


Typical Day Of A Data Analyst

As a Data Analyst, you may have to work on yourself and sometimes work with multiple teams.

  • You will do the analyzing part yourself because you would want to be in quiet to do the analysis.
  • After you have done some analysis part already you maybe talk with a co-worker, who might be another analyst on your team. It would be an excellent time for you to show him/her what you have found and what he/she think about it.

There's a very important thing to keep in mind of is that you as Data Analyst work in an organization or a very big company. So you must think about what kind of impact of your work could have on other teams. There's a kind of a cross-functional area that we need to keep in mind.

  • Next time when you are in sync with your co-workers or your co-analysts- that's the time you can talk to your manager or just schedule a meeting with people from other groups and tell them, “This is what we have found, this is what we think.” and just talk about it with other group cross-functionally.

In a typical day of a Data Analyst, about 70-80% of the work is with the data and other time it is about you know talking with your co-workers to get some insight from them, help each other and get each other on the same page. It is important that everyone is on the same page. If people are out of sync you should always correct it, as part of your Analyst jobs. Otherwise, it can always cause a lot of issues later on.


Fun Part Of A Data Analyst Job

The fun part is that you have found something. Data is always big messy and horrifying to look at, but every time you find some insightful information from the data that makes all the effort worth it. Sometimes if the project is about solving a problem the moment that the problem is solved it feels gratifying. The fun part would be the analyzing data deep-diving parts in general where the problem-solving moment is the actual reward for a Data Analyst.


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