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What Is Your Typical Day As A Mechanical Engineer? | Mechanical Engineering

On a typical day, mechanical engineers analyze, test, and interpret technical drawing and schematics. They meet with other engineers in the team and discuss the implementation of drawings, posture correction, and execution. Every day is very unique for mechanical engineers!

Mechanical Engineering Emrys Gintings Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical Engineers are responsible for designing, testing, evaluating and implementing the program on a day to day basis. They study the schematics and computer-generated reports, and discuss the technical drawings and viability. Often the initial set of drawings are rejected or sent for further evaluation and editing.

The main work of a mechanical engineer is to research, design and implement. These work areas are further expanded to teamwork, modelling, execution, testing, correction, performance specs, and reporting. 

Generally, the mechanical engineer needs to build something unique and new every time. When he or she works on a project, the engineer makes sure the product is functional, complete, and most importantly as per the customer's specifications. The engineer's work can also be assigned to any department, either as an office or field job. Though most of an engineer's activities are the same, they become challenging relative to the changes in the product's plan or design.

Job descriptions of engineering are not comprehensive.  Apart from working on the core designs and product development, mechanical engineers continually update feedback to enhance products and conduct testing for product viability. They need to be able to work with other departments such as sales and marketing in order to build products that ultimately drive customer satisfaction.

On a typical day, mechanical engineers conduct research and tests to analyze a product's design. Their design recommendations are sent to a team of engineers to work out the prototypes and discuss the viability of the project. Throughout the build phase, they continue to develop, coordinate and monitor the progress of the product. Apart from working in production, mechanical engineers are responsible for sales and services post launch, and perform functions related to personnel such as supervising production workers, drawing technicians, and testing technicians.


What is your typical day as a Mechanical Engineer at Schlumberger? | Mechanical Engineering

It's common for mechanical engineering students to be curious about how a typical day unfolds for a mechanical engineer in the workspace. Turns out there are many processes and phases of work engineers go through daily!



  • Define Project Requirements: At the start of a project, mechanical engineers dedicate much of their time on stakeholder meetings. They carefully define what the needs are of stakeholders in the requirement phase to successfuly plan out and build the product. It's imperative for a mechanical engineer to keep in mind what the users want throughout the entire process. 
  • Interact with Stakeholders: Mechanical engineers often interact with stakeholders in order to understand their needs and how to execute the build processes. They thoroughly research during this phase to avoid mistakes and ultimately launching a failed product. 
  • Teamwork during Design Phase: After the requirement phase comes the design phase, during which various companies use specialized softwares to improve their designs. Mechanical engineers often work in teams during this phase to design and build.

Why Reviewing and Documenting Design are Important

Reviewing and recording designs collectively is essential to ensure the team is in touch and able to tackle any issues. Stakeholders are additionally kept in the loop on any project updates and processes. 

  • Assembling in the Lab: Here, mechanical engineers assemble the parts they've drawn and mostly go over designs in softwares like Maya to build what their clients have envisioned.
  • Documentation is Crucial: After the design phase, the testing phase starts. It's the second most important step following the requirement stage, and is a crucial time for mechanical engineers to document every step in order to provide transparency for their clients.

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