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Posted on August 04, 2022

Flockjay cuts at least half of its workforce as it pivots away from bootcamps into B2B SaaS

Flockjay cuts at least half of its workforce as it pivots away from bootcamps into B2B SaaS

Flockjay, a bootcamp startup that helps laid off people and job seekers break into tech, cut half of its own employees amid a broader pivot to a B2B SaaS platform, TechCrunch has learned from sources close to the company.

The layoffs impacted every nontechnical team at Flockjay, including admission advisers, biz ops and development, partnerships, recruiting and marketing professionals. An estimated 30 to 45 people were laid off via an all-hands meeting, which accounts for at least half of Flockjay’s full-time staff. A hiring list of those impacted has already been highly circulated on LinkedIn.