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Posted on July 06, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Find a Job After a Layoff?

How Long Does It Take to Find a Job After a Layoff?

Being laid off is anyone’s worst nightmare. And what’s even tougher is not knowing how long it will take to land another decent job. My long-time friend got laid off recently due to a company-wide reduction in the workforce. It wasn’t his fault nor could he blame the organization. The mere thought of going through another mind-numbing job hunt just snuffed the life out of him, affecting him emotionally.

All is not lost though. Of late, next-generation, digital-first job accelerator programs have come to the rescue to help job-seekers get more interviews and land their next job within a shorter time span.

How long will it be till you find a job?

On average, it takes anywhere from two to six months to find a job you are cut out for. Of course, you also need to consider the overall economy, the demand for the job position you are applying for and the strength of the industry since these factors can greatly stretch or shrink the overall time needed to toil in your job search efforts. 

If you have registered for a job accelerator program, then the wait won’t be painfully long. In just 8 weeks, a reputed job accelerator program will be able to help you get more interviews and land your dream job faster. 

Go for reliable job accelerator programs that combine technology and professional mentorship from top tech companies to help job seekers land a job faster. In fact, choose those that work on an Income Share Agreement and let you pay just 9% of the first year's salary AFTER landing a job.

How soon should you start job hunting?

It is advised not to plunge head first into a job search as soon as you have been laid off. Layoffs are traumatic experiences and though some take it in their stride, many others sink into depression. 

All it takes is a bit of hard work, commitment to your career and loads of positivity to land another job that you might ultimately fall in love with. But first, you need to grieve your loss after being laid off. Give yourself a few days to let the bad news sink in. Relax and practice self-care for a week because you need to recharge your mental batteries before heading out on your next job hunt. A positive frame of mind is, therefore, vital.

Job hunting after a layoff

After a layoff and a good week’s rest, many think the next best thing is to fire off email after email to every company in the vicinity. Wrong move! 

Different companies have different hiring strategies and the most recent job listings could vary with the need of the hour and demand for a specific skill set. Blindly sending an archaic resume that was updated months before you got laid off is not going to work in your favor. In fact, you could end up being spammed or blocked by the mailing service.

Here’s what you can do differently so it doesn’t take too long to find another job after a layoff:   

  1. Reach out to people instead of companies. If you have been laid off recently, stay positive in the thought that it is not an out-of-the-ordinary phenomenon that happens to one person in a million. Layoffs are pretty normal and can be blessings in disguise if you know how to handle the situation in a confident, positive manner.

Reach out to people you know and tell them you are looking for a new job. Make sure you share the type of company you wish to work for along with the job title you aspire to take up. Create a network of like-minded individuals who could help you directly or connect you to a recruiter/hiring manager. Tell the world about your job hunt efforts through a professional social media channel such as LinkedIn.

  1. Make a list of companies you wish to work for and their hiring status. Attend Virtual Job Fairs to know who’s hiring and what employers are looking for. Thoroughly research companies and find out the job roles that you would be a good fit for. Through your network of friends, alumni and well-wishers, try to get referrals or join a mentorship program that comprises leaders from FAANG+ companies. The idea is to get as much insight as you can about a company and the potential hire they are looking for to fill a specific position. The more well-informed you are, the higher your chances of landing an initial interview. 

Well, if you find yourself at a loss of words to initiate conversations and build relationships with complete strangers, you can take the help of mentors who spearhead job accelerator programs to do the networking for you while you polish your technical skills.

  1. Enhance your skills and upskill where relevant. It goes without saying that the skills that got you initially hired are no longer on the “most wanted skills” list anymore. So, by all means, improve your current skill set or get certified in a new skill that is in demand. Not only will this learning process improve your chances of landing the right job, but it will also shift your mindset to a more upbeat one.

  1. Don’t look too desperate or accept the first job offer that comes your way. We have all been through this phase when we would do anything to get a job. Especially after a layoff, we would stoop to anything just to get back into the nine-to-five humdrum. The layoff itself has made you unhappy. Don’t let a job you are not passionate about bring more unhappiness into your life.

When you receive a job offer, ask yourself if you are happy to take up the role and if it makes good use of your skill set. Find out about the company’s work culture and the core values of the organization. Does your career goal relate to the company’s grand vision? If you answered all in the affirmative, by all means, go for it. Otherwise, wait for a better offer. Don’t let the paralyzing fear of not being able to pay your bills lead you to a job you will regret six months down the lane. 

  1. Revamp your resume. If you thought your year-old resume would fetch you the job of your dreams, wake up before it's too late. Once you have gained solid information on the companies that are hiring, their hiring strategies and the latest job listings, you would have gained a fair idea of what should go into your resume to make the hiring manager delightfully gleam at what an awesome catch you are. By all means, update your resume. If you need assistance, reach out to HiCounselor for professional guidance and mentorship.

HiCounselor is a great place to stop by if you are on a job search. If you feel the need to upskill yourself on the skills that are in high demand in 2023, HiCounselor brings you the opportunity to become a Salesforce expert. 

It's worth checking out HiCounselor’s 6-week training program that empowers graduates as well as experienced professionals to emerge as Big 4 Level Salesforce Consultants with an earning potential of $80k - $130k in the US. At the end of the training program, HiCounselor will refer participants to employers hiring for Salesforce roles. Designed by former Salesforce Experts from Deloitte and PwC, this training program includes live sessions, assessments, and mock interviews. Read about the Salesforce topics included in HiCounselor’s training program. 

HiCounselor has forged technical advances to transform the hiring landscape for job seekers and recruiters alike. Our career accelerator program provides job seekers with coaching and mentorship from industry leaders employed at FAANG companies while recruiters ally with HiCounselor to empower their hiring strategy and hone in on the best candidates. Learn more about HiCounselor here and reach out to us on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.