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Interview Self-Introduction Tips and Tricks (Examples Included)

Interview Self-Introduction Tips and Tricks (Examples Included)

Unless you are an outrageous extrovert, introducing oneself is not something most people look forward to in any social or professional setting. Imagine having to introduce yourself to impress a hiring manager during a tough interview.

Just the thought of self-introduction can make even the most qualified candidates go weak in the knees. If you are looking for ideas and tips to make sure your self-introduction for an upcoming interview does not get messed up, read on for some really great self-introduction tips and tricks. 

Is Self-Introduction Really Necessary?

A casual self-introduction where you introduce your name and what you do for a living is quite common especially when you meet strangers or would like to build a rapport with a new acquaintance. However, self-introduction in professional settings such as, in a job interview, is an art in itself that helps give the interviewer a better idea about the candidate. Most hiring managers and recruiters claim that they can understand a great deal about a candidate’s cultural fit in the organization simply by listening to the way they introduce themselves.

In short, self-introduction is vital and is a relevant part of integrating yourself into a social, professional or group setting. The styles of self-introduction differ greatly depending on the setting but it is always advisable to present yourself exactly as you are while introducing yourself. Here are a few useful tips to show you how to properly introduce yourself in various settings.

Keep the Social Context in Mind

Irrespective of the setting you are in, any opportunity for a self-introduction should be taken seriously because this is your chance to connect yourself with the social context around you and talk about who you are as a person. For instance, a casual self-introduction may go like this: “Hi, My name is Fred and I hate pickles.” However, this is not the kind of self-introduction you would like to give your future employer at a job interview. Of course, your gastronomic preferences might be appreciated if you are introducing yourself at a fast-food chain but definitely, not in a professional setting. So, keep the social context in mind when you introduce yourself. Understand your audience and then add an interesting note about yourself which you feel is what your audience would like to know about you.

Skip the Job Title and Mention What You Do Instead

Self-introduction during an interview requires that you extensively talk about your past experiences. Mentioning your job title would not gel well with the interviewer.  Take advantage of the opportunity to talk about what you do instead of just mentioning the positions you have handled. A job title means something only when you mention the responsibilities you shouldered. Sound impressive by talking about the job in detail, tasks involved and even a few accomplishments. This is a good strategy you can follow while creating your resume. Jot down the key elements of the responsibilities you have undertaken and showcase your experience. While introducing yourself, you could verbalize the same points and perhaps elaborate on each experience. For instance, you could mention as follows: “I was passionate about programming and was fortunate to have handled many projects that involved rewriting code for different operating systems.

Body Language Matters Too

You may have practiced the perfect self-introduction on the eve of the interview. But during the interview, while you are seated in front of the interviewer if your body language does not reflect what you are saying about yourself, the whole strategy has failed. Genuineness is of utmost importance. Be who you are and speak about yourself while fully believing in what you say. 

Keep it Simple

When an interviewer asks, “Tell me something about yourself”, he/she is looking for an opportunity to watch you closely, trying to understand your level of confidence, your micro-expressions as well as the tone of your voice. All this and more while listening to the choice of words you have used in describing yourself. So, keep the entire introduction simple without pretense and false information. 

Pay Attention to Your Audience

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, your audience matters a lot when you engage in the art of introducing yourself. While speaking about yourself, pause in between, maintain eye contact with the audience and notice their facial expression. Improvise your introduction based on their expression. If the audience looks uninterested, cut the introduction short. If they seem interested, share more in-depth details to keep their interest alive. If they look like they could enjoy a hilarious anecdote, by all means, go for it. 

Listen and Nod in Acknowledgement

While you are introducing yourself, listen carefully to the body language and facial expressions of your audience. After you are done, pay close attention to what the audience has to say and acknowledge with a nod as a mark of respect.

If you need personalized assistance while preparing for your interview or self-introduction, get in touch with HiCounselor.

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