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How to Get a Job Faster: Resources to Cut Down Your Job Search Time

How to Get a Job Faster: Resources to Cut Down Your Job Search Time

Technological advances and improved platforms for interaction have opened the doors wider for those who are looking for a job opportunity that complements their skillset. However, depending on the hiring scenario, erratic mass layoffs and demand for specific job roles, it does get difficult and frustrating to find a job immediately. This is especially a grave concern for those who have had to face a layoff and desperately need to land another job.

If you find yourself in a situation where you really need to get a job faster, HiCounselor suggests time-tested tips and resources that cut down your job search time and speed up the process.

Increase your opportunities by expanding your network

Your chances of being recommended for a job depend a great deal on the network of employed individuals and professionals you have contact with. The wider the network, the higher are your chances of landing a job real fast. The more people you know who can directly or indirectly help you get access to a hiring manager or potential employer the better equipped will you be to attend more interviews and land a job within a reasonable time span. Instead of just attending networking events, there are several other ways to grow and strengthen your network.

  • Mastermind Groups

Look out for mastermind groups which are nothing but a group that brings like-minded people together to help each other achieve goals, provide accountability, brainstorm and encourage one another. You could be in the same field as them or they could be doing something entirely different. It is important that everyone is committed to making the experience as enjoyable as possible. Many groups can be found online and on social media. You can also post a request on LinkedIn for anyone interested in joining such a group.

  • Volunteer Groups

It's amazing how quickly you can progress professionally by joining non-professional clubs that promote personal interests, hobbies, volunteering and sports. You don't even have to be an industry expert to be part of these volunteer groups. Sometimes attending academic talks, conferences or virtual events could lead to someone important at a company you have been eyeing for a while. 

Be proactive on social media

Almost as important as expanding your network is being proactive on social media channels such as LinkedIn and even Facebook. The world is becoming increasingly digital so it is worth expanding your digital network as well to cut down your job search time.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn is often perceived as a platform where people over-indulge in corporate jargon and pat each other’s back for professional accomplishments. LinkedIn is more than that though. In fact, you can increase your reach and improve your chances of landing a job faster simply by creating a profile that clearly defines who you are and what you are good at. You can also easily set your profile to "available to work" and share posts about any topic that interests you, right from professional insights to thoughts on the latest news. 

  • Facebook

Of course, LinkedIn is the most popular professional social media platform in the world. However, you will be quite surprised to know that platforms like Facebook too can be extremely beneficial in speeding up your job search if you understand how to use the right strategies. 

Well, if you don't have a Facebook friend list of active professionals and high-achievers, it is not such a good idea to post status updates asking for referrals. However, Facebook Groups are often a great way to find job opportunities. Look for groups that are specific to a particular region, profession, industry or country. You might find a group that targets professionals in the United States or individuals working in the data science domain. The more specific you are, the better. Once you join your intended Facebook group, interact with the members of the group by commenting and putting up posts. Do not just pitch for a job out of the blue; instead share your insights and experiences, while at the same time mentioning that you are currently looking for a job.

Reap the benefits of automation tools

The most frustrating part of the job search process is the endless scroll across multiple platforms trying to find the right information. This takes a lot more than just time and intense effort which is why automation tools are available to help you. For automation on LinkedIn, you should look for a tool that connects to the platform and automates actions such as posting, messaging, viewing profiles and so forth. If you are sharing content on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, it may be handy to use an automated solution that allows you to post at the most appropriate time zone.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you make the best use of the aforementioned resources that can cut down your job search time.

Apply as soon as possible

Do not delay or procrastinate in applying for a job you are interested in. In fact, you should apply within a week after a job posting has been made in order to increase your chances of being considered for the role.

Never ever give up

Whoever said job searching is easy probably lied. In the initial stages of a job search, it is easy to stay motivated but after a while, the lack of response begins to take a toll on your mental health. Never give up and be consistent in your efforts to network, stay active on social media and use automation tools to speed up the job search process. Continue to apply for opportunities and consider joining a career accelerator program that will speed up the process on your behalf.

Attend mock interviews 

Failing to nail a job interview is not the end of the world. Sometimes lack of confidence or assertiveness could be a major reason you could not convert an initial interview call to a face-to-face meeting with a recruiter. Mock interviews can be really useful in helping you win the confidence of a referral or recruiter. Attend as many mock interviews as possible especially those that are offered as exclusive sessions in career accelerator programs.

Update your resume and LinkedIn profile

It goes without saying that the ancient resume that got you the job you lost today will no longer help you get a new job offer. Make sure your resume is updated and ensure your LinkedIn profile perfectly complements your resume and is a true reflection of your career journey so far. 

Be prompt and professional in your responses

If an individual in your network or social circle is willing to help you with a referral or interview appointment, be prompt in responding appropriately to their emails or phone calls. Be professional in approach and phrase your words in a polite manner. If you need assistance, please do reach out to those who can guide and mentor you on how to effectively manage communication during a job search.

We hope these tips and resources will come in handy to cut down your job search time. HiCounselor is a great place to stop by if you are on a job search. If you feel the need to upskill yourself on the skills that are in high demand in 2023, HiCounselor brings you the opportunity to become a Salesforce expert. 

It's worth checking out HiCounselor’s 6-week training program that empowers graduates as well as experienced professionals to emerge as Big 4 Level Salesforce Consultants with an earning potential of $80k - $130k in the US. At the end of the training program, HiCounselor will refer participants to employers hiring for Salesforce roles. Designed by former Salesforce Experts from Deloitte and PwC, this training program includes live sessions, assessments, and mock interviews. Read about the Salesforce topics included in HiCounselor’s training program. 

HiCounselor has forged technical advances to transform the hiring landscape for job seekers and recruiters alike. Our career accelerator program provides job seekers with coaching and mentorship from industry leaders employed at FAANG companies while recruiters ally with HiCounselor to empower their hiring strategy and hone in on the best candidates. Learn more about HiCounselor here and reach out to us on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.