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How Many Hours a Week Is a Full-Time Job?

How Many Hours a Week Is a Full-Time Job?

If you are on the verge of landing a new job role that you really look forward to but you’re not sure about the working hours the hiring manager mumbled at the time of the interview, you really need to read this.

The classification of your job as full-time or part-time could play a significant role in your pay package and maintaining your work-life balance. Most employers can decide how far a full-time job can be stretched to achieve the organization’s goals. This is why it's important to understand the number of hours you will be working while considering a new job. In this article, we will be digging deep into the number of hours that can be equated to full-time employment.

How long is a Full-time Position?

The 40-hour workweek has for a long time been associated with work that is full-time and, in many workplaces, the standard is still in place. As per the United States Department of Labor, The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not specify the hours an employee has to work in order in order to be considered full-time. This means that employers have to make an individual distinction between part-time and full-time work. In most cases, employers require employees to work full-time in order to qualify for benefits.

Sometimes, when you are paid a monthly salary instead of an hourly wage, the number of hours worked during the week is likely to differ to a greater degree than for those working hourly jobs. 

Salaried employees are expected to work for more than 40 hours each week, particularly when major projects are being planned. It’s also common to have more flexibility in working hours during a week that gives employees the option to decide their own start and end times for the day and, in the process, adjust their working hours according to the requirements of a deadline. 

Is a Full-time Position right for you?

Planning to take up a full-time job? Find out if it’s the right choice for you.

  • Availability: In most businesses, in order to be an employee full-time, you must be working between 35 and 40 hours. This means you must be able to work for the stipulated hours and be able to meet the requirements of the job role on a daily/weekly basis. If you are unable to devote the required hours due to a study program you are pursuing or a personal commitment that requires your presence at home, then a full-time job would only serve to increase your stress levels.

  • Budget: Working full-time hours easily gives you the opportunity to boost your overall salary. Take note of the amount you'll require to stay within your budget when you are looking for full-time employment.

  • Benefits: The benefits of working full-time depend on the type of business, industry, and size. Although there are plenty of part-time jobs that pay well, full-time employment provides benefits such as retirement plans, paid time off and healthcare insurance. If you wish to reap the benefits, make sure you are physically and mentally ready to take up the job role.

A majority of companies will provide details in their employee handbook about the expectations in terms of working hours. For instance, one company might state that employees must work from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. While another company might allow employees to work on a flexible schedule all week as long as they work for more than 40 hours at the end of each week.

If you're currently being interviewed for a specific position at a company and the hours don't seem clear to you, you must seek clarification from the interviewer or hiring manager. Knowing the amount of time you'll have to work every week is an essential aspect of balancing your work and life. It will help you understand the expectations you'll face when entering the job.

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