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Preparing for a Job Interview (How to Obtain Company Information and Do Research)

Preparing for a Job Interview (How to Obtain Company Information and Do Research)

Do you have a job interview scheduled in the next few days? Then keep reading to discover a secret weapon that will offer you a significant advantage during your interview.

One of the finest methods to stand out throughout the hiring process is to conduct research about potential employers. By donning your detective hat and looking into possible employers, you'll learn more about them and be more prepared for any interview. Conducting company research is the most effective way to learn about the firm's operations and the qualities they seek in a candidate. You'll also be more equipped to respond to the interview questions.

Here are the most important things you should find out about your future employer as you prepare for your next interview.

Skills and experience that the company values. First, you need to know what the company wants from qualified candidates. This allows you to position yourself as the best candidate for the job. Read between the lines of their work placement to discover skills and experience that the employer values. You can also find information on your employer's career page to get an idea of ??the type of employee they wish to have on their team. Also, reach out to any contacts who are working there and ask what your employer values ??most in the workplace.

Key players in the organization. The main players in an organization are the decision-makers who occupy an important position in the company. They can be managers and department heads or the CEO/President of the organization. To find out who the key players are in the organization, read the About Us and People Behind section on the company website. It's also a good idea to find out what these decision-makers are posting on Twitter and LinkedIn as this will give you ample information on the recent news and facts about the organization’s values. Most companies have pages dedicated to press releases and events on their websites. This is a great source for finding information about the latest company news and updates. 

Company culture, mission and values. In fact, according to a Millennial Branding survey, 43% of talent development professionals believe that the most important quality a job seeker can have in the recruitment process is being a cultural fit. When investigating employers, keep in mind that the company's values ??and mission are written on their website. You can also learn more about corporate culture by following the organization on social media.

Customers, products and services. As a potential employee, you need to have an idea of ??the type of work you would do if you were hired. Having a general idea of ??who your company's customers are as well as the type of products and services offered will prepare you for the interview. To find out about the list of companies, you can usually find it on the company's website. You can also read the company blogs, case studies and white papers to get a better understanding of their performance.

Inside Scoop. To ensure that you are ready for a job interview, websites such as Glassdoor help job seekers discover internal details that cannot be found on the employer's website. Sites like Glassdoor can usually display information such as salary, employee roles and duties, company reviews, and hiring process details.

The interviewee. Finally, you need to know who the interviewer is. This is an advantage as it increases your chances of connecting with them during the interview and creating meaningful conversation. Finding out who the interviewer is can be a bit difficult, but with a little research you should be able to find out. First, find the person's name in the email you received about the interview. If you can't find the information, reply politely to the email and ask for the name of the interviewer. Once you've got the interviewer's name, do a survey on LinkedIn and Twitter. This will help you learn about the interviewer's background, their position in the company and some common interests you share with them. 

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