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Steps To Make Career Planning Easy

Steps To Make Career Planning Easy

When it comes to your career, it’s helpful to have an idea about the kind of progress you want to make. It’s important to have some career strategy you can follow to ensure you don’t get left behind. It can be hard to plan your career, however, because it isn’t something you’ve been taught in class. To fill in that gap, HiCounselor has created some guidelines to help you formulate and follow a successful career plan. If you need more assistance to boost your career, get in touch with us and we’ll help you get on the right track!

What’s A Career Plan Anyway?

You probably have a lifestyle in mind and would like your career to help you achieve it. This is why you need career planning. It basically involves taking your long- and short-term goals into consideration and then deciding how to achieve them within a timeframe. According to some research, those who plan their careers are not only more successful, they’re usually happier at their jobs. 

Before you start career planning, make sure your wishes aren’t outlandish. Also keep in mind that the more you want out of your career, the harder you’re going to have to work for it. It helps if you can honestly reflect on your needs and desires and see what seems achievable. Try not to give in to external pressure because, ultimately, you’re the one who’s going to have to live with your career choices. 

So What Do You Like To Do?

You’re much more likely to have a successful career if you take up something you genuinely enjoy. People who complain of their jobs being soul-crushing are usually those who entered a field without considering if it suited them. Some jobs require a lot of overtime, while others need you to handle irate people. There are also careers that are more slow-paced but allow you to spend more time with your friends and family. 

When evaluating your choices, consider what you want and what you’re willing to do for it. For example, if a career option requires you to get a degree or certification, do you have the time and money for it? Can you take up a low-paying, less time-consuming job until you get the necessary qualification? Will you stick it out even if pursuing the qualification becomes tiring? Be honest in your self-evaluation.

Make A List Of Career Options

Now that you’ve decided what you like and what you’re ready to do to achieve your goals, it’s time to see which careers can help you out the most. You probably have a few areas of interest that you can start out with. If you don’t, there’s no need to be discouraged. There are options like introductory courses, internships, job shadowing and even talking to seasoned professionals to help you figure things out.

This step in your career planning process involves paying minute attention to the details as the job you take will affect your lifestyle for the next few decades. Think of aspects like: Is this career going to be in demand in the future? How much can I hope to earn if I work hard? Is the work lifestyle sustainable in the long run? Will I have to move to get good job opportunities?

Assess Your Goals

As we mentioned earlier, to have a good career plan, you need to know both your short-term and long-term goals. To choose the path you’ll take, you need to know where you want to go, but you also need to know what you can take on during the journey. For example, if you have a family member to take care of, you might not be able to pick up a job involving hectic hours or travel. At least not at first. Maybe after some savings, you’ll be able to hire adequate help and move on with your career. 

So, think about what you want from a career on the whole while also keeping in mind what you can give to it to begin with. If your ultimate career goal will require adding some skills or degrees to your arsenal, you have to make space for that in your career planning. This is the stage where you’re going to be figuring out the concrete steps you have to take. 

Refine The Plan

When you’ll start working on your career plan, you’ll realize that some things won’t quite fit in. This is when you have to start narrowing your true options so your plan can be put into action. For example, if you’re interested in finance, you can start narrowing down which careers will work best for you: the high-stakes games of the stock market or the more laidback life of a chartered accountant?

Some of your options will be drastically different while others might be more similar in nature. So some will be easy to cull while others can be kept in your mind as options to try out right away or options you might want to look at later if your first choice doesn’t meet your expectations. 

Create A Timeline & Track It

Now that you have your priorities set for the most part and an idea of where to go, you need to create a timeline to put your career plan into motion. To make sure you’re being realistic, conduct research about what you can expect at each stage of your career. You have to know how much you should give and get at junior, middle and senior levels of the occupation. This will help you create intermediate and ultimate deadlines for your career. You then have to ensure you stick to your timetable!

Put In The Effort

Once you’re in the field of your choice, you have to put in the hard work to ensure you meet your goals. Keep your resume updated, be willing to learn, be a team player, highlight your accomplishments, be adaptable where necessary and all the rest! Yes, it’s easier said than done but that’s usually the way to boost your career. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself if your career plan and the timing changes a bit. Life has a way of throwing unexpected surprises at you, whether that’s in the job market or of a more personal nature. It’s always better to take time for your mental health when required so you can enjoy the journey instead of always worrying about the destination! 

We know that the job market can seem scary for those who are relatively new to it or are thinking of switching fields. That’s why HiCounselor is the best way to accelerate your career. Our mentors help prepare you for the switch to a professional life so you don’t feel completely lost. Get in touch with us to learn more about what we can do for you!