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Your Guide to the Two Weeks' Notice Resignation Email

Your Guide to the Two Weeks' Notice Resignation Email

Are you going to be quitting your job soon? Unfortunately, you can’t just up and leave. There are formalities to be completed and fulfilling them can help avoid burning a bridge. Many American companies require employees to submit a two weeks’ notice resignation email. This gives the company some time to prepare for your departure.

At HiCounselor we love to help people take the right steps throughout their careers. That’s why we’ve created this guide to the two weeks’ notice resignation email. If you’re looking for the right job, get in touch with us and let our experts shoulder the job hunt burden with you!

Why Give Any Notice At All?

It’s often standard practice to submit a two weeks’ notice resignation email when quitting a job. Even if you think you’ll never work there again, try not to leave suddenly. You never know where your career path takes you; it might take you back to your present employer. 

The two weeks’ notice allows you to finish any pending work, get paperwork (like recommendation/reference letter) done, finish HR formalities, etc. It gives the company time to look for a replacement as well. If the notice period is mentioned in your contract, you should definitely finish it.  

Two Weeks’ Notice Resignation Email Format

There’s a right way to resign and that includes sending a formal email letting your boss know you’ll be leaving. There’s a proper format for writing your email, which we’ve outlined below:

Subject Line: You should state that the email is about your resignation in the subject line. This prioritizes the email for your employers. 

Salutation: You should address your two weeks’ notice resignation email to your manager. You can also copy HR in the email. 

Content: Your two weeks’ notice resignation email doesn’t have to be a long-winded email. You can simply inform your manager about you quitting and mention your last working day. 

Additional Information: If you want to leave on a good note, offer assistance for the transition. You can also thank your manager for giving you a learning opportunity. 

Signature: It’s a good policy to include your personal email and phone number in the signature of your two weeks’ notice resignation email. This helps them contact you fast if required. 

Two Weeks’ Notice Resignation Email Example

This is a sample of the email you can send your employer. You can make the changes as applicable to your role. 

Subject Line: Notice of Resignation – Jimmy Shoe

Dear Mr John Dough,

Please accept this email as a formal notification of my resignation from my position as a Salesperson at WonderWorks. My last working day will be June 15, 2022. 

I’ll be glad to provide any assistance I can during the transition. It was a pleasure to work with you and the team for 2 years. I’ll cherish everything I learned and the support I was given.

I wish you and the company all the success in the future.

Best wishes, 

Jimmy Shoe

Email ID: [email protected]

Phone: 0123456789

We hope this guide to the two weeks’ notice resignation email will help you end your job on a positive note! If you’re still looking for the right job, get in touch with us at HiCounselor and have a chat with one of our helpful mentors!

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