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What’s A Good Career Coaching Session Like?

What’s A Good Career Coaching Session Like?

We’re all aware of career counseling, which helps us decide the jobs that might be most suitable for us. A newer yet equally helpful tool for employees is career coaching. This service aims to help them devise action plans and gauge their progress. As you can imagine, many people find this extremely helpful for their careers. 

As the preferred career accelerator, HiCounselor likes to keep our readers informed about the best tools and practices. Read on to learn what a good career coaching session is all about. If you need help finding a job or prepping for interviews, contact us and speak to one of our helpful mentors!

It's One-on-One

Unlike classroom settings or motivational speeches, a career coaching session takes place between two people – the client and the coach. You have the undivided attention of the coach, who is there to listen to you and help you chart your own unique career path. The whole session is tailored to help you advance in your career. 

You do a Lot of the Talking

A good career coaching session focuses on the client. That’s not to say the coach can’t or won’t talk about themselves, but it’s usually as an example or an anecdote to clarify a point. The session aims to understand your needs and wants so the coach can help you find the best way to achieve them. So be ready to talk about yourself!

You ask Questions

A good career coaching session allows you to ask questions and clarify doubts. If you had all the answers, you wouldn’t be at the coaching session. A good coach knows that. You can ask big picture questions or get into the minute details of things. This way, you’ll have a clearer understanding of what to expect at every level in your career. 

You can Take Notes

A lot of ground is covered during a good career coaching session. When discussions are so overarching in nature, it’s a good idea to jot down important points. Make a note of things you feel you might forget later. Many coaches take notes and share them with clients, but you might have your own thoughts or random ideas you might want to explore later.

There Will be Assessments

It’s the job of a good coach to really get to know you. At least at a professional level. To do that efficiently, they might give you a couple of assessments. These help them understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, priorities, circumstances, etc. A good career coaching session includes the coach getting a clearer picture of the client.

There Will be Takeaways

A good career coaching session ends with some tangible takeaways for the client. You might need a certification, resume update, work on language or communication skills, etc. There will be some steps laid out for you to take so you can take the career path that best works for you. The more honest you are with the coach, the better the takeaways!

You’re Accountable

You get the most out of career coaching when you take proactive steps to do what the coach advises. A good career coaching session includes some actions or steps you should take before the next session. These are usually an integral part of your progress and should not be ignored. Your coach will hold you accountable for following through.

We hope this article has given you a clearer understanding of what to expect during a good career coaching session! If you need more personalized help with your career path, contact HiCounselor and let one of our experts guide you. We provide resume and interview preparation while we hunt out the most suitable jobs for you!

HiCounselor has forged technical advances to transform the hiring landscape for job seekers and recruiters alike. Our career accelerator program provides job seekers with coaching and mentorship from industry leaders employed at FAANG companies while recruiters ally with HiCounselor to empower their hiring strategy and hone in on the best candidates. Learn more about HiCounselor here and reach out to us on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.