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Top New Year Resolutions for Your Work Life

Top New Year Resolutions for Your Work Life

Seeing the new dawn round the corner, what fascinates us most is the simple fact that it’s perfectly okay to conjure up awesome resolutions on New Year’s Eve only to send it flying out the window before the snow melts. 


This new year, HiCounselor is here to help you set your eyes on achievable resolutions in your professional sphere. Whether you manage to achieve it or not is a totally different matter but we are sure you would enjoy going through the choices we bring you through this interesting read. Here are the top New Year resolutions that are ideal to enhance your work life in 2022.

Get Up and Move Around

Research shows that one-third to three-quarters of the global workforce are sedentary. Sitting too long at work can increase your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Many working professionals succumb to the temptation of just pushing through and not stopping. This not only reduces your productivity but also makes you more sedentary, which can lead to poor brain function and decreased ability to focus. You should schedule breaks to ensure that you get up and move around, preferably outdoors, for at least 10 minutes every hour.

This is a great time to stretch, walk and shake your legs. These little breaks can make a big difference to your comfort and health. You'll not only give your eyes and brain a rest but you will also get the blood pumping and relieve tension in your back and neck muscles. This will allow you to return to work feeling refreshed and energized.

Choose Home-Cooked Lunch

You need your fuel so it is important to eat healthy food that will keep you energized and focused. This is the best way to achieve this goal. A home-cooked meal is the best way to enjoy a quality lunch. Healthy food options are also scarce in the workplace. While most offices have coffee, muffins, cookies and doughnuts available for munching, very few have fresh fruits and vegetables on hand. You have greater control over the intake of healthy nutrients when you prepare or cook food at home for lunches at work. You will also be able to save money by not ordering take-out or ordering lunch every day. You'll also be more productive because you won't have to make decisions about where you want lunch. You don't want to eat poorly when you have limited exercise opportunities at work. To compensate, pack healthy lunches.

Learn a New Skill 

It's just as important to take care of your mind, as you do your body. You're constantly learning new skills when you pick up new subjects to study. Choose one skill that you believe is important for your career and start working towards it. These skills will make you stand out and open up doors for promotions and other opportunities. This goal can be added to your resolutions for the new year. It will not only improve the quality of your work but also give you added value as an employee. You may be able to receive training or certification in a skill that is relevant to your job.

Read Career-Related Books 

Information is a key part of our lives. There are many resources and books available on any topic you could think of. There are many books that will help you increase productivity, understand your topic of interest, and develop professionally. A career-related book will help you stand out. This should be one of your New Year's Resolutions. It will allow you to learn the skills and information that will assist you in the future. Reading should be a major part of your daily life. You can start a book club, or decide how many books you want to read each month.

Subscribe to Blogs 

Many blogs contain hidden gems that can help you in your career. Once you find a blog that provides valuable information on a regular basis about your career, you should subscribe. Subscribing will allow you to receive alerts in your inbox. You can also support someone who is enriching your professional and personal life.

Update your Resume

You should be able to take advantage of any job opportunities that arise. Your resume must be current in order to do this. What was your last resume update? Are the details correct? Are you up-to-date with your skills? Even if you aren't applying for a job, updating your resume will keep your information current. This will give you a snapshot of your current situation and help you plan the steps you need to get there.

Update your LinkedIn Profile

It's crucial that you update your digital resume after you have updated your resume. LinkedIn is your digital resume, your business card. Make sure to update it as you enter 2022. You can look at the profiles of your friends and acquaintances to get some inspiration.

Expand Your Professional Network

You must embrace networking to make your career more successful. It's a great way to network with professionals and make new connections. Meeting other professionals will allow you to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in your field. LinkedIn is a great tool for finding local networking events. You will be a better professional if you take the time to attend a new networking event every week.

Find a Mentor

Mentors can help you grow professionally and advance your career. Mentors can make your career path easier. Start looking for mentors in your industry if your company does not have one. Reach out to someone you respect at work and ask them if they are willing to mentor your career.

Declutter Cabinets

It is important to realize that clutter in your workspace can make it difficult not only to find the right things but also to stay focused and productive. This is why you should start with your cabinets. Clear out all clutter from your desks and file cabinets. Don't be afraid of being a bit heavy-handed. You can get rid of old papers that no longer serve a purpose and make your cabinet and desk as tidy as possible by using file folders or organizers. A clean workspace is a great way to feel satisfied and help you stay focused at work. Digital clutter is just as harmful if you apply the same principles to your computer. Make sure you have a system for organizing your computer's data so that it doesn't get lost.

Be Mindful of Work-Life Balance

Get a log at the end of each year of all the days worked. You can get a sense of how your work-life balance is by looking at key indicators such as overtime or time missed. Numerous studies have shown that time off can improve your mental health. You can negatively impact your company's health as well as your own mental health if you don't take time off for vacation or relaxation. This is why it is important to have an absence management system.

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