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Times When a Career Switch is a Right Move

Times When a Career Switch is a Right Move

Changing careers is easier said than done. With the negative impact of a crashing economy looming in the background, job security is regarded as a myth these days. Even professionals with stellar experiences are finding it hard to morph themselves into the changing marketplace. However, there may be times when it may be quite necessary to consider a career switch especially if the industry you are working in has been widely impacted due to unpredictable forces and your chances of reliable, steady employment are uncertain.

HiCounselor brings you tips and strategies that you can adopt if you have decided to switch careers. Read on to find out when it is a wise choice to grab a lifetime chance and change careers for the better.

Ask yourself, “Is it time for a change”?

Seriously ask yourself why you would want to switch careers. Is it the drudgery of the job itself, the sleazy work environment, your nosy colleagues, an inconsiderate boss or the way you feel dragging yourself to the office on a Monday morning? Once you do an honest evaluation of the current situation you are in, you will be in a much better state of mind to decide how to take the next step. If you feel exhausted just thinking about work and if your job is affecting your self-esteem, you have more than enough reasons to quit and choose a more fulfilling career. 

Look out for these signs to know if it’s about time you took the leap. 

Anxiety Attacks 

Are you prone to ‘Sunday-night terror'? These Sunday-night-specific anxiety attacks are your body’s way of telling you that you are in the wrong profession. Migraines, muscular tension, panic attacks and unexplainable exhaustion that appear especially when you have to head to work or focus on a project are signs that you no longer love the job you do. It’s not a wise idea to put up with a dreaded job at the cost of your physical and mental health. Without wasting much of your time and putting your health at risk, evaluate your position before you take the leap into a more satisfying career.

Dwindling Self Esteem 

Are you feeling like your ideas are not being considered? Do you feel undervalued? You need to make a change in your work environment if you're beginning to doubt yourself or the quality of your work. It is not worth staying in a job that makes you feel inferior to others, regardless of the perks or pay. It is not worth being down about yourself for any perk as this can have a serious impact on your emotional well-being over the long term and make even the simplest tasks seem impossible. You should find a fulfilling job that boosts your self-esteem and confidence.

All about Money

How many times have you envied your friends who put up with less-paying jobs because they were extremely satisfied with the work they were doing? If this rings a bell, you are probably remaining in a job you hate simply because of the money and perks. It is important to have enough money to live comfortably and be happy. It is important to have a job that allows you to live comfortably and not sacrifice your happiness. It is worth the effort to find a job that makes you feel fulfilled and passionate about your work.

Bored at Work

Nobody expects to be captivated at work every day. There will be days when you are not motivated or energized enough to perform your best. This should not happen every day though. We may find one particular task an annoyance, but when we find our whole job/organization/career boring then it's time for a change. A decrease in energy can also indicate that something is wrong and that your work needs to be improved.

Lost the Passion

The real reason you embarked on your career was to be creative. But these days you spend more time in meetings and managing accounts than doing what you love to do. When you think about changing, it is important to look back at the reasons you chose that career. Have those changed as you got older?

Envy Raises its Hood

If you feel jealous of the work culture, jobs or careers of your friends and family, it could be a sign that you are looking for something different. Instead of dismissing jealousy as something bad, think about why you feel this way. What is it about the company culture or the job you envy? What about the role's flexibility or creativity? It is important to think about this honestly. This can help you to pinpoint exactly where you want your career to go.

Feeling Indifferent

You might be doing a great job, but lack the drive to innovate at work. Maybe your ideas have been rejected or ignored in the past. Maybe your company prefers that you do what you're paid to do, rather than suggesting improvements to the product or culture. This type of management style makes it difficult to stay motivated. You have great ideas and you need to be embraced by people who appreciate them. It doesn't matter if you have to work for yourself. Choose to be happy in the job you do and switch your career on high gear.

You Would if You Could

Ask yourself this question: If you could quit your job and still be financially secure, would you? You need to decide how you will do it. Find your niche. Find your passion and get excited about a new career. Think about how you can build a career and a business that aligns with your passions.

You Have Changed for the Worst

If you notice a change in your behavior or if you seem to be irritable a lot, it could be an indication that your career isn't working out for you. Those who know you need to think of you as someone who is passionate, creative and motivated to achieve. But if you’ve now become the person who shows up late for work with under-eye bags and a grumpy mood, it's time for you to stop blaming your job and start looking for a job that makes you a better person.

On a final note, stay optimistic while you contemplate your career move. Do a self-evaluation and ask yourself each day what would make you happy to head to work every morning. Once you find that passion, you will be enjoying every moment of your working life.

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