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6 Qualities Of The Most In-Demand Executive Assistants

6 Qualities Of The Most In-Demand Executive Assistants

Behind the success of some of the top business leaders are highly skilled executive assistants. These people have to strike a delicate balance between professional, social, and personal obligations. Many times, they’re like an extension of the executive so their importance can’t be underestimated. There are some qualities that all in-demand executive assistants share.

Helping people figure out their career paths is something we take seriously at HiCounselor. That’s why we create guides like this one on the qualities of the most in-demand executive assistants. If you need some assistance in getting your career going, get in touch with us and find out how we can be of help.

1. Bundle of Information

One of the most enviable qualities of the most in-demand executive assistants is their ability to have a solution for every problem. How do they do this? Most EAs have meticulous lists of resources, such as contacts, services, links, and various tools. They keep adding to these lists as they progress in their careers and that’s why they always have an answer to the problem. 

2. Great Prioritization

Most business leaders have a lot on their plate and their itinerary can change as the need arises. This means one of the top qualities of an in-demand executive assistant should be the ability to prioritize. They must be able to assign importance to ensure their boss ends up making the right moves. Sometimes this means being cold and ruthless about what you cut out of the agenda.

3. Calm Under Pressure

The corporate world can be a place of immense pressure and stress. A lot of that tension falls on business leaders - and their assistants.  One highly enviable quality of in-demand executive assistants is that they can remain calm in high-pressure situations. Despite short deadlines and high stakes, EAs stay calm by taking one step at a time and focusing first on those things they can control.   

4. Anticipate Next Moves

One quality that all in-demand executive assistants have is that they know what the executive is going to need next. Many can see this coming even before the executives themselves. Whether it is something personal like staying hydrated or something professional like ensuring they aren’t disturbed, EAs can anticipate what’s up ahead. This directly helps business leaders be more productive.

5. Tech Skills

This might not be most people’s opinion of an EA’s job, however, this quality is possessed by most in-demand executive assistants. Apart from knowing how to use various tools, like G-suite and Excel, they also know about apps and plugins that can make their jobs easier. Knowing how to use all these different tech tools can greatly boost an EA’s own productivity so it’s an important skill to master.

6. Emotional Intelligence

It’s part of an EA’s job to constantly meet with different kinds of people. In one day, they can meet with top executives, reporters, vendors, etc. To ensure they can get the best results for their bosses, one quality all in-demand executive assistants have is emotional intelligence. The ability to understand people and deal with them goes a long way in making a business leader’s job a bit easier.  

Hopefully, this list helps you understand better the qualities all in-demand executive assistants must possess. These are just a few that can be very helpful but the list can go on to include many other traits. If you want to fast track your career, contact HiCounselor and let us help you meet some of your career goals a little earlier!

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