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10 Tips To Make A Great Impression At A New Job

10 Tips To Make A Great Impression At A New Job
Now that you’re done with the nerve-wracking task of finding a job, you have to start with the nerve-wracking task of socializing with your new coworkers and doing it well. We’re only half-joking here. Most of us spend a substantial amount of our time with our colleagues and it’s good for us to learn to get along with them. 

As the best career accelerator around, we at HiCounselor like to help people navigate their professional lives with greater ease. To help with that, we’ve compiled this short guide to making a great impression on your new boss and coworkers. If you need more personalized help for your career path, contact us to see what we can do for you!

1. While in Rome, Wear a Toga
One way to make a great impression at a new job is to take cues from your coworkers about what to wear to work. If everyone wears tees and jeans, you can dress informally. If the work dress code is more formal, invest in some formal pieces for yourself. Dressing to fit in is a subtle way of showing you’re like the others around you, or are ready to put in the effort to be part of the team.   

2. What’s in a Name? A Lot!
It’ll really help you form a great impression at your new workplace if you can try to remember the names of the people you’ll be working with. When you’re introduced to a large number of people, it can be hard to remember their names. Start with those you’ll be working with closely and then expand from there. You can use some memory hacks to help you remember names.

3. Do Research, Don’t Stalk
Finding out more about your boss and colleagues will help you bond with them better. You can look them up on social media sites or professional networking sites like LinkedIn to get a better understanding of who they are and what they like. This can help you break the ice and form a great impression. Avoid faking an interest in hobbies because, sooner or later, you’ll probably get caught.

4. Keep Looking Up
Not in the literal sense because that will probably only cause you to bump into things/people. However, most people prefer to be around those who are optimistic and cheerful. Staying positive about changes, challenges, and everything in between will make a great impression on those around you. Seniors, too, appreciate employees who focus on solutions rather than problems.

5. Smile a While
One way to make a great impression at your new job is to appear friendly and approachable. A smile is a great way to convey that you notice those around you and have positive intentions towards them. Make eye contact with people you come across and give a small smile and nod. Bringing good vibes to work will create a positive impression about you as a person.

6. Leave Politics to the Professionals
It’s hard to completely avoid office politics but when you’re a new joinee, you should avoid taking any sides. Sometimes people will try to get new employees to pick a side or be part of office politics, but the truth is you don’t know enough right now to take a firm stand. Make a great impression by avoiding gossip and not passing on any information you aren’t completely sure is the truth. 

7. Be the Ear that Hears 
A tried and tested method of creating a great impression at a new office is to be less of a talker and more of a listener. People want to be heard and if you’re there for them, they’ll automatically take a liking to you. Listening more also shows others that you don’t always need to have the spotlight on you, so they’ll consider you less of a threat in their career path. 

8. A Guru to Guide You
When you’re new to a job, it can be hard to get the hang of things. It’ll help if you can find someone to mentor you. Not only does this help you figure out the right way to do things, it also gives you an “in” to socializing at work. Your mentor will probably have friends at work, who will be more likely to befriend you through that association. Keep in mind though that finding a mentor is easier said than done.

9. Lose Your Phone
By that we mean, pretend you don’t have it on your person at all times. Our phones are such an easy distraction and they make us dip our heads and lose ourselves in scrolling. This makes you harder to approach and also gives a sense of disinterest in those who are around you. If you want to make a great impression at your new job, only take your phone out when necessary.   

10. Don’t be a “Karen”
One of the easiest ways to turn people off is to expect everything to be exactly as you like it. New hires who complain a lot and find fault with everything can quickly make themselves the social outcasts at work. Offices usually strike a fine balance on things that can cause disagreements. You don’t want to be the person who sets off a massive disagreement by stoking the fire. 

We hope this list helps you create a great impression at your new workplace. If you want some help in getting the right job, contact HiCounselor and have a chat with one of our mentors. The best part about hiring us is we only get paid once you start working, so you don’t have to worry about paying us when you’re not earning.