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10 Tips For Starting A New Job As A Remote Employee

10 Tips For Starting A New Job As A Remote Employee

Over the last few years, we’ve seen the corporate climate change drastically. Where once most of us would have to beg to be allowed to work from home, now many jobs are being done remotely. If you’re a new employee, you mightn’t have ever started out a job working remotely. However, it’s not anything to fear. With the right tips, you can make a success of your new remote job. 

At HiCounselor, we want our readers to be able to put their best foot forward from the get-go. That’s why we provide you articles like this one. Read on to find out the best tips for starting a new job as a remote employee. If you need more personalized help in finding a job, contact us and one of our experts will gladly help you out. 

1. Revamp Your WFH Set-up

The newness of a new job would earlier come from the new office and the new faces. If you’re starting work remotely, you have to bring that vibe yourself. Luckily, you don’t have to rush out and rent a new place. You can simply improve your current WFH set-up. Get a new chair, hang an inspirational quote, declutter, paint the table, etc. to get a new look. 

2. Ask for Help

When you’re starting a new job as a remote employee, it’s important you know who to turn to for different issues. Ask the HR person or your manager whom you should turn to when you have IT issues, access questions, leave permissions, etc. Some things you can leave for later, but other things you must know from the start or you’ll just waste time.

3. Pick up the Communication Style 

Each workplace has its own preferred ways of communication. These are more important to know when you’re starting a new job as a remote employee. Online and phonetic conversations are easier to misinterpret and harder to resolve quickly, so it's best to try and avoid that. Are they formal or informal? Do they chat more often or hold Zoom calls? Does everyone join with video on or just the speaker?

4. Connect with Your Manager

When you start a new job as a remote employee, you don’t have the luxury of water-cooler talk or office lunches. These are ways to figure things out when working from the office. Ask your manager what’s expected of you, both big picture stuff and the little details. You should know what to prioritize and what to expect from month to month. 

5. Connect with Your Teammates

The higher-ups will have company-wide communication preferences that everyone follows. Your immediate coworkers might have their own. For example, executives might hold Zoom calls but maybe your teammates prefer to communicate via chat. When you interact with your coworkers, ask them which method of communication they’d prefer. Ask them what timings work better for them. Then try to respect their preferences. 

6. Learn New Tech Fast

Each new workplace you join will probably expose you to some software, app, device, etc. that you haven’t used before. It’ll help you fit in more smoothly if you pick up this new skill fast. You can read online guides to get started and then ask your coworkers questions to make sure you understand the right way to use the new tech. Picking up new skills is an important part of starting a new job as a remote employee. 

7. Take Notes

One way it’s better to start a new job as a remote employee is note taking. You couldn’t really do that when walking around being introduced or sitting in a small space with your coworkers. Take helpful notes even if you think you’ll remember it. A new workplace comes with many new people and things. You don’t want to ask repetitive questions in case you forget.  

8. Be Punctual

Many employees are used to in-person supervision and have trouble meeting deadlines on their own. Such people usually don’t last long at a remote job. If you want to be successful in your new job as a remote employee, be punctual, meet deadlines, and respond to emails and chats quickly. Try to join all calls and meetings on time. 

9. Give Yourself Time

Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get the hang of everything straight away. There’s always a learning curve when starting something new. This curve gets bigger when you’re starting a new job as a remote employee. Be prepared to ask questions and ask for help. Don’t get disheartened when you get not-so-great feedback. Take it in stride and do better. 

10. Set a Standard

While you might be excited about landing a great job, set a standard when it comes to your remote work. For the most part, keep to your timings. Don’t overwork yourself. Think about the long run and whether you’ll be able to keep going at the pace you’re setting. That doesn’t mean never going above and beyond, but simply not doing so regularly.

We hope this article helps you start your new job as a remote employee without any hiccups! If you’re still looking for the right job, contact HiCounselor and have a chat with one of our mentors. 

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