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10 Great Reasons To Quit Your Job

10 Great Reasons To Quit Your Job

Have you been wistfully listening to the news of the Great Resignation and admiring the quitters from the sidelines? Does the prospect of another day at work make you sigh and feel depressed? Have you been toying with the idea of quitting but are unsure of it? Well, here are the top 10 great reasons to quit your job. 

Being the leading career accelerator, HiCounselor deals with job endings and beginnings day in and day out. To help you decide whether your job is worth the effort, we’ve compiled this list of the 10 great reasons to quit your job. If you need help finding a new job, get in touch with us and we’ll get to work on that for you!

1. You Hate It

By ‘it’, we mean any major aspect of your job or just your job overall. If you’ve got a soul-sucking manager, dead-end prospects, a toxic work environment, or a monotonous task with no end in sight, that’s one good reason to quit your job. Don’t do it impulsively, though, even if you’re tempted. Start your job search immediately and only quit once you have an offer letter in hand. 

2. You Get Another Offer

This is one of the best reasons to quit your job. If you’ve found another prospect that aligns with your career goals or offers a batter paycheck, better hours, better benefits, shorter commute, etc., it might be time to move on. Do make sure your new employer gives you the offer in writing, so you’re not faced with any unpleasant situation in case they change their mind later on. 

3. Toxicity

One of the leading causes of workplace depression and anxiety is being in a toxic work environment. It can have a very negative impact on employees’ mental health in the long run. If you find yourself in a place where you don’t get respect, get blamed for others’ mistakes, or have troublesome colleagues, you have plenty of great reasons to quit your job. Try to shake off the bad vibes before you start your new job. 

4. Relocation

Some good reasons to quit your job don’t have anything to do with the kind of job you have. If you find yourself having to move for any personal reason and your job can’t be done remotely, you might have to put in your notice at work. Ideally, you’ve been able to find a job in your new location before moving or shortly after moving. Make sure you start your job hunt before you make the move. 

5. Work-Life Balance

Nearly every industry has demanding times, but they should be followed by more laidback times as well. If you find it hard to spend time with family and friends or meet personal obligations because of work all the time, those are very good reasons to quit your job. Scheduling problems and constant overtime can lead to fatigue and burnout as well so timing issues shouldn’t be dragged out.

6. Career Switch

Another great reason to quit your current job is if you’re done with the field entirely. Sometimes, we pick careers without too much thought and realize after a while that it’s not the best fit. At other times, we’re done with doing the same old thing day after day and want to try something new. If you find yourself wanting to explore another career path, you can let go of your job and make the career change.

7. Formal Education

There are some fields where you can work without any degrees but promotions and raises are better if you have them. If you find yourself getting hampered by lack of a formal education, it may be time to go back to school. Since juggling classes (whether part- or full-time) and work can get overwhelming for many people, it’s a perfectly good reason to quit your job and focus on learning. 

8. Bad Boss

It’s not just toxicity that can make a boss a bad leader. Sometimes you can find yourself working for someone who isn’t knowledgeable about the industry, gets swayed easily, hires and promotes friends, is emotionally unstable, etc. All of these can affect your current work life as well as some future prospects. Sometimes it’s better to quit your job early rather than wait for things to get really bad.

9. Health

We shouldn’t have to tell you to always prioritize your health, whether physical or mental. No job is worth getting sick over. If you (or a family member) need to focus more on health, you might want to quit your current job for one that better suits your new lifestyle. You can look for a role that comes with greater flexibility, better benefits, work from home option, child care/elder care options, etc. 

10. Gut Instinct

There have been cases of employees quitting their jobs because they sense trouble looming in the horizon for their company. Sometimes, it can be internal (like restructuring, downsizing, or pay cuts), while at other times the company can be in legal hot water or changing ownership. If you’ve been feeling uneasy at the job or can read the signs of unwanted changes coming, you can quit your job. 

We hope this list helps you decide if you’ve got a good reason to quit your job. If your answer is “Yes” and you want some help finding a better job for yourself, contact us at HiCounselor and let one of our experts guide you. One of the best reasons to work with us is that we only take payment after we find you a job!

HiCounselor has forged technical advances to transform the hiring landscape for job seekers and recruiters alike. Our career accelerator program provides job seekers with coaching and mentorship from industry leaders employed at FAANG companies while recruiters ally with HiCounselor to empower their hiring strategy and hone in on the best candidates. Learn more about HiCounselor here and reach out to us on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.