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How To Prepare For Your Product Manager Interview? - A Complete Guide

The best way to prepare for a product manager interview is to analyse the market behavior closely and anticipate the prospects in-order to assess the organization or industry you aspire to work in. Most product manager interview questions revolve around how well you can execute the challenging decision making process and deliver with the team.

Product Management Rich Headley Product Manager

Product manager

job interviews require some preparation to present oneself as an ideal candidate for that profile. Most companies design their product manager interview questions based on the industry format. However, it is important to remember that every company is different from the other. Also, different teams within the company differ from each other. Hence a slight twist in the interview process and questions are inevitable.


Important Tips To Prepare For Your Product Manager Interview

  1. First read and understand the job description. Know the requirements of the job and accordingly prepare yourself.
  2. Try to meet and network with people working in that team or similar teams. Learn as much of the actual process from them and brush up on areas you are lacking in.
  3. At higher levels, certain skills like aeronautical skills or product design skills are valued and tested. It can manifest in the form of some sort of case interview.
  4. Behavioural interviews are conducted to understand how you work with different categories of stake holders. Your ability to handle challenges, failure and objections are tested. Your reactions and your takeaways from those experiences will be closely monitored.
  5. Questions on product strategy and marketing are a norm. 
  6. Success and what it is to you could be disguised but is vitally important.
  7. Technical interviews like the ones at Google will require you to speak comfortably on basic topics like how the internet works or how to evaluate an algorithm. You should be able to answer these questions smoothly.
  8. Bear in mind the questions will differ company to company. There is no universal or text book answer to the interviewing approach adopted.
  9. Go online and learn from the innumerable resources available there.

If you are an aspiring product manager and wish to explore those jobs, you must work on developing a comprehensive skill set matching the profile of a successful product manager. Be well prepared to answer all product manager interview questions and the job will be yours.


While learning about how to be a product manager or cracking a product manager interview, you should also apply those things to yourself, including how you represent yourself while looking for jobs. This is basically the practical application of your theoretical knowledge gained from books, connections and other resources.

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