How to use HiCounselor?
How to sign up as a job seeker?
How to book a phone appointment with a counselor?
How to book an email appointment with a counselor?
Take a look around and browse our list of Counselors who are already working for your dream company. You can also search by position, company, industry or service. If you find a Counselor you want to connect with, simply book an email or a phone appointment. If you want to make sure your counselor can help you with your specific request, feel free to submit a quick question using the "Ask A Question" button under the counselor's profile. If the search didn't return any result, you will be prompted to enter your email address which the HiCounselor team will use to notify you when a counselor that may be able to help you, joins the platform.
Each appointment can either be a 30-minute phone/video call conversation or an opportunity to ask up to 5 questions via email. A very important fact to remember is that Counselors do not officially represent their companies, they function as independent career advisors in their free time. It's up to you what questions you ask and how the discussion goes, but here are some of the more typical use cases we've seen:
Counselors set their own rate. The price per engagement includes the 30-minute phone conversation, as well as the time the counselor spends preparing for an engagement (reviewing resumes, answering your questions, etc.) and providing detailed, personalized feedback after the engagement concludes.
We accept all major credit cards. If your engagement doesn't happen or if you're unsatisfied with your engagement, please send a refund request by email within 48 hours of the consultation to [email protected] with an explanation detailing the reasons for your dissatisfaction. If the request is valid, HiCounselor will refund you within 2 days.
No, your profile is unsearchable by companies, recruiters, and other users. Only the counselors that you book with can view your profile.